Experiments in coffee cooking

Time to experiment again. This time with meatloaf, coffee and the slow cooker. I like using my slow cooker. It makes the house smell nice and I can do other things while the food is cooking.

I used:

The slow cooker was set to bake for eight hours.  

It came out very juicy. The coffee flavor is subtle but it gives the meat that little “something extra”. I did not use extra spices because I did not want to overshadow the coffee flavor.

I also was given a package of Pumpkin Pie coffee (a friend of mine does not like pumpkin). I decided to give it a try – I love pumpkin pie. I drank it with whipped cream on top and enjoyed it very much. I like the spicy smell and the whipped cream made me think that I had pumpkin pie in front of me. Now I have to wonder – just how would it taste in cooking? Will experiment and let you know...

http://koficoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/coffee-roasters.jpg" />

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