Paradise Roasters - Espresso Nuevo

I have been pulling this espresso since Monday of this week and I have not been disappointed even when the shots didn't go exactly right.

/files/imagecache/image_230/files/espressonuevo.jpg" align="left" width="230" height="230" />What had drawn me to this espresso was the fact that it got a 95 out of 100 on Espresso Review recently (August 2011) and I don't understand why they have not updated the picture to reflect that! I also like the fact that this espresso is dubbed to be a 'comfort' espresso, nice sweet chocolate notes, with hints of other flavors. To be honest that is probably my favorite type of coffee as I am not yet ready to dive straight into the strictly acidy ones.

This espresso has seemed to be pretty easy to get good results on my espresso machines as my first sentence of this post indicated, I have been pulling this espresso with my ridgeless HQ basket from Espressoparts at 15 grams at about 1.5 ounces at medium temp. By medium temp I just mean I have temp surfed my Classic a little bit up past the light but not too long. This has produced a nice mellow chocolate with nice dose of cherry. This flavor profile has reminded me a lot of Redbird Espresso.

I wonder what other people have gotten from Espresso Neuvo in terms of taste, the reason I wonder this because my experience with Redbird was different than others. Other people experience a more chocolate carmel and nut flavor described as a 'Snickers' sort of taste. I think this might be explained by my grinder the Preciso, which is a conical burr set. This burr set is thought to produce a slightly bright flavor profile. Those that use a flat burr set are thought to produce a more chocolate taste.

Putting that aside I have also really liked this as a drip. Surprisingly even though I just got that pouring kettle, today was the first day that I have tried Espresso Nuevo as a drip. It was unsurprisely good, a nice mellow sweet taste. Lots of carmels with a nice hint of stone fruit, very good and I really liked it.

It's a great blend that I think anyone would love and considering it did well as a drip it will probably work anyway you brew it.

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