Today's Grandparents Are Active and Involved!

Why not surprise your coffee drinking grandpas and grandmas with a great ROASTe gift?

Coming up on September 12, Americans will celebrate Grandparents' Day for the 32nd year. ROASTe recognizes and thanks all our wonderful grandparents for their family leadership and encourages all grandchildren to honor their grandpas and grandmas this year.

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The traditional image of a grandparent is that of a gray-haired, retired, man or woman, wearing…granny glasses, of course… with lots of time on their hands to bake cookies, babysit, play cards, or sit around watching TV. Statistics don’t support this stereotype, so such an image turns out to be just that – a stereotype. Consider these US grandparent stats:

1) 43% became grandparents in their fifties, 37% in their forties; 48 is the average age for becoming a grandparent. That’s a fairly young and vigorous age, hardly rocking chair retirement.

2) In fact, grandparents today are quite active. For example, 43% exercise or play sports, 28% volunteer on a regular basis and 60% still work at least part-time.

3) Today’s grandparents have exchanged the rocking chair for a laptop. Do you know that your average 50-year-old grandparent started using a PC 20-25 years ago? Bill Gates is not a kid anymore either. Indeed, grandparents are plugged in: 75% are online, 70% use search engines, 63% shop online, 30% instant message, 56% share photos online, 46% bank online and 45% are on social networks such as Facebook!!

4) Important stats for grandkids to know: Today’s grandparents spend $52 billion every year on their grandkids. Why not? After all, 99% state that their grandchildren are gifted!

5) Final stat: It’s been found that roughly seven to eight adults out of ten drink coffee. So odds are that at least one of your grandparents drinks the brew.

One grandma reports that her grandkids were visiting and helped make their grandpa his first coffee of the day. After he had a sip, he went on about how good it was. She told him that was because it was made with love, but their 3-year-old granddaughter exclaimed, "No, it wasn't! It was made with water!"


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